Crafting an engaging learning experience for kids

Interaction design Game UI design Animation Code-based prototyping

Game UI, Animation, Interaction

My role:

Led the design for interaction, UI, animation, and developed low to high fidelity prototypes for 3 overarching game worlds, 7 mini-games, and 2 eReader editions from initial ideation for the board meeting to launching MVP to post-release iteration.

Design duration:

2 years


Webapp primarily used on iPad and Chromebook

Methods & Tools:

User flow
Paper playtesting
Field research
Usability testing
Asset managements
Principle, After Effects

Sketch, Zeplin, CodePen

Team:(directly colaborated)

3 Product managers
2 Creative directors
2 Product designers - me
3 Animators - me
10+ Engineers
3 QA engineers
many stakeholders

Product Overview (K-2 ver.):

Amplify Reading is a personalized reading program that students can’t wait to play. Whether they are just learning to read or mastering close reading, Amplify Reading helps achieve off-the-charts reading growth in grades K–8.

Design Challenges:
  • Due to budget and deadline constraints, we had to design one version for all platforms
  • Given that we were using React Native to make games, our design decisions were very restricted
  • Our end-users were young kids who haven't developed technological prowess
  • Student in their early ages develop core skills quickly, forcing us to have different product versions for at least every 2 grade levels
  • Even in the same grade, student learn in different speed, so we had to make our products adapative to their level and pace
  • We had to satisfy variety customers, not only to make it fun for kids, but also need to demonstrate the educational value to teachers and parents
  • In order to sell our products in certain states, we were required by law to make our product accessible and meet WCAG 2.0 AA standards

Some screens and process documents I worked on

Mini games (2017)

See the Pen alyx keyhole by Lauren Wang (@laurenvast) on CodePen.

Overarching gameworld - grade K-2 edition (2018)

See the Pen notebook by Lauren Wang (@laurenvast) on CodePen.

See the Pen growth chart by Lauren Wang (@laurenvast) on CodePen.

Overarching gameworld - grade 3-5 edition (2019)

See the Pen glowy by Lauren Wang (@laurenvast) on CodePen.


It was huge amont of work in short amont of time(2 years) with exciting challenges and great teammates. I learned a lot, I went...

  • from surprised by how kindergartener interact with the mouse to understanding what they want to see in the digital world;
  • from learning Game Design principle to being able to balence between fun and pedagogy;
  • from researching how bodymovin work fundementally to establishing a (relatively) smooth dynamic web animation pipeline to produce around 50 quests;
  • from understanding visual and interaction accessibility standard to knowing when and why it's okay not following it at some places in your product;
  • ...

There's so much more I could say about this big project! If you're interested to know more, feel free to ask.

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